Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish and Blogging Resolutions For 2016


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. This week’s theme is 10 Resolutions for 2016.

  1. Blog ahead – I’ve been doing fairly well with making sure to blog ahead lately, but only by a week. I’d like to get at least 2 weeks ahead in my posts.
  2. Complete all challenges – I’ve signed up for a handful of challenges this year. In the past I haven’t been that great with completing them, but this is going to be the year I complete them all.
  3. Cut my TBR pile down to 100 books – Currently, I have 170 titles on my shelves. So, that’s a good chunk of books I need to either read, sell, or donate this year in order to get down to 100.
  4. Stick to a Book Budget – I usually spend way too much on books. So this year I’m setting a $200 budget for myself.
  5. Read outside of my comfort zone – I’m hoping to read at least 5 books outside of the typical genres I tend to stick to.
  6. Reread and Review 5 books – I’m horrible about re-reading. So this is a fairly low goal.
  7. Use the library more – I live really close to the library and just don’t take advantage of it enough.
  8. Update Blog Header – My goal is to get a nice header for the blog this year and work on making the blog look a little more unique.
  9. Update “About Me” page – It’s about time I update this page.
  10. Create a review master list page – I sort my reviews by genre using the category drop-down on the blog, but I still think it’d be nice to have a masterlist page.

39 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish and Blogging Resolutions For 2016

  1. Looks like you have some great goals for 2016. My biggest goal is to finish up some series. I’ve got many series that I’ve started and never finished and they have been hanging around for a while. I’m not allowing myself to start any new series until I get a few of these old ones either up to date or finished. Here’s to a great 2016.

    Melanie @ Hot Listens & Rabid Reads.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ooo, that would be extremely hard to not start any new series until getting caught up on/finishing the ones already started. I seem to start new series all the time and never finish them. *whispers I read all the Harry Potter books as they came out except for the last one* It’s a bad habit of mine. Good luck with your goal!


    • Nice! Good luck chopping of that hunk of books on your TBR pile. That’s the one resolution I’m the most worried about completing, since I seem to always be accumulating more books (even when I don’t mean to sometimes 😛 )


  2. Those are awesome resolutions! I always tried to blog ahead, but really can’t do it. Seems like you’ve already gotten the hang of it. As for the book budget, is that 200$ for the whole year? You’re a stronger woman than I am!! LOL.

    A unique header is always nice to have 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Nath! These past few months are the first time I’ve been able to pull off blogging ahead. I’m hoping to keep up that trend.

      I know! I’m nervous about that budget one. Originally I was going to try to only spend $100 but knew I’d probably easily blow through that way before the end of the year. Too many good books are set to come out in 2016!


  3. I used to never blog ahead and that worked for a while but last year I started planning posts (imagine that) and it worked out well. 🙂 It’s nice to have a cushion. Comfort zone too- I want to read more books I normally don’t. And an archive page- I deleted mine because it was out of date and then didn’t replace it. Need to do that too. 🙂

    Great list, and good luck with your resolutions!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I was the same. I used to be a same day poster, but once I started blogging ahead I found I really loved having that comfort of knowing that there’s a few posts ready to go already.

      I’m both oddly excited and dreading creating an archive page. I know it’s going to take a good chunk of time. Good luck creating yours!


  4. This is a great set of goals and definitely I should try some of these myself I think. I don’t know how I would ever get to be two weeks in advance! I can’t even think about it, it will give me a headache but I hope you achieve it.
    Lynn 😀

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  5. Buying less and cutting down my TBR are two of my top goals for this year too! I haul way too many books each month and it’s kind of depressing watching my TBR grow and grow. I’m on a book buying ban this month and it’s already wonderful seeing my pile shrink a little bit 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • LOL I do that all the time with new releases. Especially with my autobuy authors. I need their books the day it comes out but then I don’t get around to reading the book until months later.

      Good luck on spending less money on books this year. I have the feeling that’s going to be the toughest goal for me in 2016.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Expanding my reading genres is on my list too — I think it’s a great goal to try some things that I (we) wouldn’t normally pick up! Looks like you have some really great goals for this year. Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I imagine it’s going to be pretty difficult, especially keeping it at 100. But I’m determined. Thanks for luck! Good luck to you as well if you decide to do some TBR trimming.


  7. Pingback: Sunday Post: January 10, 2016 | Book Minx Reads

  8. These sound like a good mix of definitely achievable and stretch goals! I have completely avoided reading challenges because I completely suck at them and they stress me out, haha. I’m also aiming for a book budget of around there. I have $100 in giftcards and I’m going to try to stick to just spending those with a couple of cheap ebook exceptions that I’ve already bought >.>. We’ll see how we do!

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